Kate's Ramblings

A day-to-day insight to the world of the struggling artist... live vicariously!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Soooooo sick....

Ugh. It's been a long week. First my back, then my side and now a mild flu. If I didn't know me I might think I was a hypochondriac. But believe me, I'm not. I just need to get better by tomorrow afternoon so I can continue with my NY plans and my Friday morning audition.

Things in general are ok. Harvey blocking rehearsals started today. I think it went alright. I was able to fill the time and accomplish everything I intended to. Yesterday I got a nice phone call. A theatre company in Chicago called to offer me a stage management gig. It was a nice long commitment too - Jan to April. However, tech week/opening is during my trip to London. It's good to know that my resume is still floating around out there.

I have an interview with Starbucks on Monday. I don't have much else to say about that. I need a second job and it would be nice to gain some benefits, which is something that Starbucks offers PT employees. It would also be nice to be able to transfer if I head back to NY anytime soon.

Monday and Tuesday are also auditions for The Importance of Being Earnest. My childhood friend, Eric Long, is directing. I think I'm going to go on Tuesday. Yay! ...Earnest is one of my favorite plays.

Brian is opening Measure for Measure tonight. I'm really sad that I'm not going to be able to see it. I'm still as crazy about him as ever, and more grateful him everyday. So, of course I want to be there to support everything he does. Unfortunately, even if I had been feeling well I wouldn't have been able to make it. Break a leg, Sweetheart!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

2 margharitas and a percoset

What a crazy, yet boring life I lead. I spent Saturday and Sunday in State College. Brian and I went out for dinner and then to see Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. My back was killing me (Although not as much as it had the day before thanks to my personal PT Franny) so it was a nice low-key way to spend the evening. Sunday I got some Harvey work done while Brian had rehearsal and then we went to the mall. P.S. The "mall" in State College is pa-thet-ic.

I came back Monday morning just in time for my readthrough for Harvey. And I mean just in time. I got there at 10:02. Followed by a fun-filled day of YCP and an evening of disorganized Susky play. All day my side had been hurting - almost like a runner's cramp. I thought I had just slept wrong and so I ignored it. By the evening it hurt so bad I couldn't function. I was freaking out because it could've been something serious and I don't have health insurance... yikes. When I finally got home, Franny took a look and was befuddled, so she prescribed ibuprofen and acetominiphen and bed. When I woke up this morning I felt fine. I even went to tap class. It's starting to bother me a little sitting at my desk, but maybe it's just my posture??? Maybe I spend too much time sitting? (I could only hope.)

Tonight I'm going to relax and think about my upcoming auditions. I feel like i'm getting back in the swing of things. I'm auditioning for a tour of Grand Night For Singing on Friday and on Tuesday I'm auditioning for Beauty and the Beast (a regional production in OH). This weekend is also Shannon's AMDA audition, so the girls (mom, Julia, Laura, Shannon, and I) are going to the city for the weekend. I'm going up a day early and staying with Rachel. I can't wait. I've been to the city once since I moved and I'm itching to go back. My friends are trying to gather on Saturday evening which will be WONDERFUL. I was looking at pictures from school and I really miss those clowns. It feels like another lifetime ago.

Anyhow, off to find non-dorky, but touristy things to do in NYC for the German.