Kate's Ramblings

A day-to-day insight to the world of the struggling artist... live vicariously!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

In this world...I'm glad there is you

Someone once asked me how I thought actors did eight shows a week. The same show day in and day out, week after week. How do you maintain something that is amazingly glorious at the beginning, but whose brilliance fades. I said I thought it was a matter of love and work. Somedays you want to call out sick, but you don't because it's a team effort and you love and support the team, even when you're not certain you want to. Other days, you can find opening night glory. But no matter what, it takes effort and commitment and desire. Oftentimes, it starts out as a whirlwind, full of excitement, but I'm not sure it can ever stay that way. You just find a groove that is comfortable. You find patterns. And then you find variations. But you never give up, because the overall picture is what you're working for.

This is not really about the theatre. It's about a conversation I had with Brian until 3am. I hope that he gets the analogy. Don't give up yet... there's so much more, just waiting...

Some favorite moments: Fourwheeling in August. Laying under the stars. Waking up to your song. Laying on the sofa and watching TV. Sitting on the stoop in Lancaster, just chatting. Finding out you're not gay. Yelling at you on stage and trying not to smile. Sitting in the firelight drinking wine. Helping you pack up and move. Saying "goodbye" at the theatre. Wandering around the mall with you and being "normal". Driving to Hershey instead of home after rehearsals. Going to Colette's together. Waking up to the "banging" in the bathroom. The first time you drove down in the middle of the night. Seeing you get out of your car at Jessica's party. Dancing at the dinner thing. Going to the bar, all dressed up. Seeing De-Lovely with you. Chuck's house...


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