To Anna: (part 2)
Okay, my philospohy on life has been (for the past few years) to be ultimately happy. If it doesn't make you happy, don't do it, or find a way to be happy in life's difficult moments. Happiness can be found in the simplest moments of peace, the beauty of a waterfall, or laughter with some wonderful friends. It can also come from within by believing in oneself and taking pride in who you are. So, when I come across people not taking the initiative to find happiness, I unfortunately tend to unfairly judge them as "weak." Weak because they have let outside factors, out of their control, take over their life and have lost themself to a lack of confidence and fear. I'm definately a "glass is half full" kind a girl.
Anna, I don't hate you. I apologize for hurting you. I wish you happiness... in the worst possible way. But I believe that you need to find it within yourself, before you can find it in the world. You have so much hate thriving inside you right now, for me, for Seth... I don't know. You can call me all the nasty names you want, but it won't hurt me and it won't help you. Just take a breath, and then take the first step of your new life...
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