What day is it again???
Considering I'm not sure what day it is... it's been a wacky few days.
Yesterday was the feared understudy rehearsal. Most bizarre experience ever. It started the night before when Michael announced that everyone should come and watch the understudies perform. Perform???? Um. Performance would indicate a rehearsal of some sort. hahahaha. Really, it was fine. All eight of us were very nervous, but we got through it. (Even our 7 foot "Dickon" managed ok.) Absolutely no direction was given, and we could barely hear the piano, as it was in the pit and we were on stage with no monitors of any kind. What a sigh of relief we all felt when it was over...
Kids' show today. sigh. Almost overslept. Almost. Also had an interview for a day job at York College. I think it went really well. I felt very comfortable and I feel that they responded well to me. Yay. Here's hoping.
Show tonight.
Tomorrow is crazy day from hell. 10am Cabaret rehearsal, 1pm School meeting, 3pm Lessons, 7:30pm Call for Show, 11pm Cabaret. Factor in driving back and forth to Lancaster twice. Maybe I can convince Brian to drive me home tomorrow night and I'll leave the car at the theatre.... hmmm.... there's an idea...
All I can really think about at the moment is a nap... and cleaning. Must clean room before Brian comes down...
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