Kate's Ramblings

A day-to-day insight to the world of the struggling artist... live vicariously!

Monday, May 30, 2005

Why are people mean?

Man, it's no wonder I've become so negative this past year. People around here are just bitter, nasty, individuals. I won't go into details because I don't know who reads this, but ya try to do somebody a favor and they bite your head off. geez.

In happy land, my call-back went just fine. The lady from the theatre called me this morning to make sure I was still coming since she hadn't returned my calls about what to prepare. I quickly learned a song from the show in my car and did that and read sides. It was good. Not spectacular, but good. I also saw Jessica Kademenos who was in Secret Garden with me in the fall.

I'm bored, looking for things to do. I have a shirt to make and some choreography to work on, so maybe that will be my day... we'll see.


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